Warpaint Figures Blog Tagged "Projects"


40mm AWI British Infantry Test Figure (Revised)

40mm AWI British Infantry Test Figure (Revised)

December 06, 2017

Full walk through of painting up a test figure for 40mm Front Rank AWI British Guards.  Follow all the steps in detail.

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Flames Of War Speed Painting For Crusade 2013 (revised)

Flames Of War Speed Painting For Crusade 2013 (revised)

November 29, 2017

One of my favourite early projects.  Speed painting FOW T34/85s.  Now I have compiled all the 8 parts from my old blog into this one comprehensive project

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Painting German Fallschirmjager Support Weapons

Painting German Fallschirmjager Support Weapons

November 27, 2017

Moving on with my 28mm Fallschirmjagers.  Now it's time to undercoat the support weapons

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First Painted Aventine Hastati Done At last

First Painted Aventine Hastati Done At last

March 24, 2017

Finally we have the first legion of 28mm painted Republican Roman miniatures

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Fallshirmjagers Begin – Part 1

Fallshirmjagers Begin – Part 1

November 25, 2013

Part 1 of my project, trying to build a Bolt Action or Chain of Command 28mm Fallschirmjager WW2 force.

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DIY Paintstation For Painting Wargames Figures

DIY Paintstation For Painting Wargames Figures

July 24, 2013

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The Rise Of Rome – What No Shields

The Rise Of Rome – What No Shields

May 03, 2013

Part 5 of the ongoing Roman army project I have been toiling through against the odds

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The Rise Of Rome – End Of March Status Report

The Rise Of Rome – End Of March Status Report

March 29, 2013

Part four in my ongoing project of building a 28mm Republican Roman Army and painting it all up.

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Rise Of Rome Part II – Test Figure For Painting Romans

Rise Of Rome Part II – Test Figure For Painting Romans

March 22, 2013

So before I start painting my 28mm Aventine Miniatures Republican Roman army I want to get a test figure done.  This will help me sort out techniques and colour schemes I want to use.  Read here to find out how it went

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The Rise Of Rome – The Army Assembles

The Rise Of Rome – The Army Assembles

March 21, 2013

Part 3 of the long 28mm Republican Roman army project.  Figures assembled and undercoated for the first legion

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The Rise Of Rome – New Beginings & Old Friends

The Rise Of Rome – New Beginings & Old Friends

March 15, 2013

This is the the first post for one of my army projects and also one of my painting targets I set out. . Building a 28mm Republican Roman army

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