Following on from our Flexible Roads we now have our range of Flexible Rivers for all wargamers and gamers. Suitable for all scales and systems such as Bolt Action, Chain of Command, Napoleonic, Ancients, 40K, 15mm, 28mm, 10mm and more..
Made to the same high standards these durable, flexible and hard wearing wargames scenery will really make your wargaming table stand out.
Available in classic blue, watch out soon for 'brown' rivers suitable for jungles as well as deep more smooth surfaced rivers.
Pick and choose your width and combinations as well as various curves and features.
75mm width coming soon. To get early access and other special offers join our VIP Club HERE - get 20% off your first order when you join
New to Warpaint Figures our long awaited flexible rivers for wargaming and wargames tables. These 50mm wide rivers are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 6mm to 28mm and above....
These 50mm wide rivers are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 6mm to 28mm and above. Fully textured and ready to go out of the packet. You just slap them...
New to Warpaint Figures our long awaited flexible rivers for wargaming and wargames tables. These 25mm wide rivers are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 6mm to 28mm and above....
New to Warpaint Figures our long awaited flexible rivers for wargaming and wargames tables. These 50mm wide rivers are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 6mm to 28mm and above....
New to Warpaint Figures our long awaited flexible rivers for wargaming and wargames tables. These 25mm wide rivers are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 6mm to 28mm and above....
New to Warpaint Figures our long awaited flexible rivers for wargaming and wargames tables. These 25mm wide rivers are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 6mm to 28mm and above....