Warpaint Figures - 10mm Seven Years War 3D Printed Miniatures


10mm Seven Years War

The Seven Years War was fought between 1756 & 1763. It can rightly be claimed to be the first 'World War'. From The woods of North America through to the killing fields of Europe it revolutionised the political landscape of Europe, reinforced the first proper British Empire and led to both the birth of a Nation in the later United States and the rise of a military power of Prussia. The rise of Prussia would continue to have consequences right through to the First World War.

Generally speaking the main opposing powers were Great Britain and France, squabbling for colonial gains. But through complex Alliances and family ties it also dragged in Prussia, Saxony, Hanover, Sweden, Spain and Russia to name a few.

Our 10mm range of Seven Years War 3D Printed miniatures is mainly focused on the intense and continual fighting in Europe. The main powers involved being Great Britain, Prussia, France, Austria, Russia, Hanover and Brunswick.

10mm wargaming miniatures provide the chance to paint an army quickly and to fight large engagements on a club night. They look impressive en masse, but still provide a wonderful amount of details, which means painting using techniques as Speed Paints and washes is perfect viable.

The detail is thanks to the talented hands of Henry Turner of Turner Miniatures. Warpaint Figures is Officially Licensed to produce and sell physical prints of the whole Turner range.

You can find Henry Turner at his Patreon page - click here