WPF - Modular Desert/Arid Terrain - Large Hill - Warpaint Figures


Large Desert Hill

Warpaint Figures

A new addition to our Modular Desert/Arid Modular Wargaming Terrain is this great large hill.

Perfectly suited as a piece on it's own or to use with our 5 Piece Desert Hill Set

 Add to it with our medium pieces

Spot on for your new Warhammer Old World Tomb Kings Armies.

If you game in 6mm (1/300th) they are full hills, perfect for hiding movement and providing cover for tanks and infantry alike.

If 15mm is your preferred wargaming scale. A large rise provides perfect hull down positions. But if you prefer the larger 28mm plus scales of Bolt Action, Warhammer 40K or Age of Sigmar you have ideal small cover points and ways to narrow some fire lanes to get a better battle.

  • Hand made large desert terrain pieces
  • Hard wearing and tough to withstand loads of handling
  • c. 23cm long and  12cm wide
  • Textured, painted and ready to game out of the box.

As with all the Warpaint Figures terrain sets we have taken time to get this right for gamers and wargamers.

Can combine with the rest of our standard Modular Desert Range - Large Desert Pieces, Medium Desert Pieces, Desert Terrain Scatter Sets or our special Desert Statement pieces.

Great Cover & Tabletop Gaming Scenery

Use for Africa, Spanish Peninsula, Asia and more.  Sits well with  6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, 28mm and heroic scales such as Games Workshop Age of Sigmar. 

Use for the battles of the Punic Wars or Colonial Skirmish. Or add to your Sharp Practice table. Perfect for North Africa for WW2.

So Rapid Fire, Chain of Command, Bolt Action, Sharp Practice all perfectly suit them.

All are hand made.  Size, shape, colour and finish may vary.


Each piece is hand made and may differ in shape, size and form, colour and vegetation to those shown. You still get convincing hand made set of great desert/arid wargaming terrain pieces

Miniatures not included. Miniatures shown are  for scale purposes only.

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