50mm Wide True Flexible Roads/Tracks (Straights) For Wargaming Wargames - Warpaint Figures



50mm Wide Flexible Dirt Roads/Tracks

Warpaint Figures

New to Warpaint Figures our long awaited flexible roads for wargaming and wargames tables.

These 50mm wide roads are truly flexible as you can see in the photographs and suit a variety of scales from 15mm to 28mm and above. Fully textured and ready to go out of the packet. You just slap them down and start gaming.

They are heavy enough to stay in place and contour over terrain beautifully.

No cracking and flaking of the surface which you get on some 'flexible' roads available. We have have spent nearly 2 years perfecting these roads to get the best, most durable, most usable product to you.

Our first range is rural tracks which to be fair are the most common roads from the bocage of Normandy in World War 2 to the back woods of America in the AWI & ACW. So grab them and use them for a variety of periods and rules like Bolt Action, Warhammer Fantasy Old World, Warhammer 40K, Chain of Command and more. They will transform your battlefields.

What Do You Get?

Each Straight/Winding pack is 4 x 300mm (30cm) long by 50mm wide straight/Winding sections fully textured, sealed and ready to go. There are minimal verges so as not to limit usable area.

We also do a 4 Pack of 50mm wide 30cm long Winding sections as well as a Curves Pack (3 x curves, 1 x T Junction, 1 x Y junction & 1 x Crossroads)

Join our VIP Club to keep an eye on new ranges which are planned to include Jungle, Desert and Tarmac roads - CLICK HERE TO JOIN


Not suitable for children under 14.
Colour may vary as these are all hand made
Shipping time from order is c.7 working days to allow for proper curing so you get the best product.
Any other terrain or miniatures shown are for illustrative purposes only and are NOT included

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