WPF - Modular Bad Lands Western Desert/Arid Terrain - Medium Hill - Warpaint Figures


Badlands/Western Terrain

Medium Badlands Desert Hill

Warpaint Figures

Addition to our Modular Badlands Desert Modular wargaming terrain & scenery

Perfectly suited as a piece on it's own or to use with our 5 Piece Badlands Desert Hill Set & Large Badlands Desert Hill

Or check out the Badlands Desert Hills Mini Starter deal


  • 1 x Medium Hand made large badlands desert terrain hill
  • Hard wearing and tough to withstand loads of handling
  • c. 15cm long and  7.5cm wide
  • Textured, painted and ready to game out of the box.

As with all the Warpaint Figures terrain sets we have taken time to get this right for gamers and wargamers.

Great Cover & Tabletop Gaming Scenery


Our modular system allows you to pick and choose. You can expand your wargames scenery gradually adding a new piece as you go.

All are hand made.  Size, shape, colour and finish may vary.


1 x Medium Terrain Hill. Two hills only shown for display and use ideas.

Each piece is hand made and may differ in shape, size and form, colour and vegetation to those shown. You still get convincing hand made set of great desert/arid wargaming terrain pieces

Miniatures not included. Miniatures shown are  for scale purposes only.

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