Warpaint Figures - Best 4mm Static Grass Self Adhesive Tufts Page 2


4mm Static Grass Tufts

4mm Self adhesive static grass tufts are probably the most popular size and range of grass tufts we do here at Warpaint Figures. We make them all ourselves.  Unlike a lot of makers we tell you how many you are getting for your money.

They come in a great range of colours and types to suit any of your wargaming miniatures or terrain pieces.  From the classic round tufts to rocky tufts, flowers and random tufts for the more ecclectic among you.  Used creatively they can transform any miniatures and really make them pop.

Typically 4mm grass tufts are recommended for 25mm and 28mm and above wargames figures, but can also be used on 15mm bases very easily to represent longer grass or wheat field for such things as the American Civil War (ACW).

Great for all systems including Spearpoint, Saga, Flames of War, In Her Majesty's Name, Chain Of Command, Hail Caesar, Black Powder, Glory Hallelujah and many more.  Look great with top figure makers like Perry Miniatures, Warlord Games, Front Rank, etc.