Warmaster is Not Dead - 3D Printed 10mm Forest Dragon Miniatures In St - Warpaint Figures


Warmaster is Not Dead - 3D Printed 10mm Forest Dragon Miniatures In Store

Warpaint Figures Catches The Warmaster Bug

I remember playing Warmaster many years ago when Specialist Games brought it out. Yes that was back in the mists of time. It sort of satisfied the need for a mass, mass battle system. Something altogether more epic than Warhammer Fantasy Battle.

Then it was gone.

Warmaster Revolutions & Collecting a 10mm Warmaster Fantasy Army

Well it has seen a big resurgence, especially with the dedication of the team responsible for putting Warmaster Revolutions together.

So how do you start if you want to start a Warhammer Warmaster fantasy army together from scratch today?

Well you could source completely original metal Games Workshop Warmaster miniatures. Now if you have the time to go on eBay and a wallet the size of Alaska and a nice bank manager (pmsl) you could do this.

But the times they is a changing! 3D printing is here!

I grabbed a 3D printer 2 years ago now and stumbled across Forest Dragon miniatures here. I was hooked just by looking at them. I have been considering having downscaled miniatures anyway in a variety of periods to do Epic battles. But the level of detail on Forest Dragon was spectacular. I bought a load of Dire Elves (Dark Elves to you and me).

3D Resin Printed Physical Wargaming Miniatures at Warpaint Figures

12 years later and like Victor Kiam at Remington (You have to be a certain age), I bought the company…well a license to produce and sell physical prints of Forest Dragon miniatures.

It’s a brand new venture and expansion here at Warpaint Figures and a very exciting one. At the time of writing, I have Dire Elves (Dark Elves), Wood Elves, Noble Elves (High Elves) and Vampire Undead up and available in store to buy right now.

Click here to drop by our 10mm Fantasy section for 3D printed miniatures.

Still to come are Forest Dragon Dwarfs, Despoilers (Chaos), Lizardmen and Chivalric Knights (Bretonnians). Watch the shop closely as well as our social pages.

All miniatures are available to ship pretty much Worldwide with no minimum order. They will all go by Tracked Post for your security.

Better still sign up to the Warpaint Figures Newsletter here and get news first along with exclusive subscriber offers.

PLUS subscribe and you get 10% off your first order with us.

You can check out Forest Dragon Patreon here - https://www.patreon.com/forestdragon/

10mm Forest Dragon Fantasy Miniatures Selection

Sale Off
Dire Elf Spear Regiment (Skull)
Sale Off
Dire Elf Crossbow Regiment
Sale Off
Dire Elves Elite Guard Regiment
Sale Off
Vampire Lords - Dire Wolves Regiment
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Vampire Lords - Ghouls Regiment
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10mm Wood Elf Forest Spirits Regiment
Sale Off
10mm Noble Elves Blade Masters Regiment
Sale Off
10mm Noble Elves Spear Regiment
Sale Off
10mm Noble Elves Elite Guard Regiment